

Digital Basics

101 Tips

My Camera


Tip of the Day











Having a variety of lenses available gives you the ability to take the picture that you want to. The five types listed here will give you the flexibility to get the shot you want in most situations.

21. Standard. A 50mm lens is the standard lens supplied with most SLR cameras. These lenses should be used when you want to take a picture that roughly equates to how you see a scene with the naked eye.

22. Macro. Use a macro lens for close up shots. The classic example of when to use a macro lens is when you are taking a close up picture of a flower in the garden.

23. Wide angle. These lenses do just the job when you are looking at a panoramic view. Useful for landscapes, groups of people and certain types of architecture.

24. Zoom. A must have lens. Standard zoom lenses are 28-80mm, but a wide variety of zoom lengths are available.

25. Telephoto. The "big brother" of the zoom lens. Use telephoto lenses to get close up pictures when you are at a great distance. Telephotos soon become rather heavy and camera support is required.


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