

Digital Basics

101 Tips

My Camera


Tip of the Day










A few important accessories that can make a difference.

16. Lens caps. The lens is the most important part of the camera and great care should be taken with them at all times. A damaged lens is no good to anyone. Always refit the lens cap after use.

17. Lens care. A good lens care kit will always include soft lint free cloth, dust free tissues, cleaning fluid and a blower brush.

18. Filters. Experiment with filters and see the different effects that they can provide. They are a relatively inexpensive way of making your pictures stand out.

19. Tripod. If you want sharper images, invest in a tripod. Ask a professional and they will tell you the difference a tripod can make. A must for portrait photography.

20. Once you have picked up a few accessories buy a good quality, waterproof camera bag.


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