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Sack Comes to Visit

5th January 1608

One cold afternoon in January, Surya was working in his forge when a footman brought word of visitors. The footman appears mildly surprised, and this surprise spreads to Surya at the revelation that the visitors were in the throne hall not the reception chamber. This surprise soon cleared when he describes them as two Half-Orcs, one incapable of speech. Sack it had to be….

Sure enough, Sack was seated impudently on the throne, grinning, as Surya enters the hall. He directed his honour-guardto their places, and sent for refreshments. Also in the throne room was an attractive young female Half-Orc. She was gazing around at the hall with its' stands of armour and banners. She introduces herself as Moiet.

Sack and Surya took a few moments to look each other over. Apart from the brief altercation with Artila at the battle of Vlan Gera, it had been nearly six years since they had adventured together.Sack (Orrin Leafcutter)

Sack appears much as he did six years ago, although there was a slight change in his demeanour reflecting the gained experience in leadership, maybe even rulership. With Bramandin's armour and his natural abilities, he could still 'disappear' in the middle of a this throne room if he wanted. His overall air of unpredictability was as strong as ever. Surya noticed tiny bits of body-language, as the visit goes on, suggesting a bond between Sack and his companion Moiet - lovers may be.

Sack thought that, Surya had settled well into monarchy, his air of command was palpable, but he had changed. He still donned the same black armour as before, but there's something different about it. The two ill-omened swords Tormentor and the Sword of the Dead Legions where still at his sides. Oddly however, whatever the angle of his head or the placement of the light, the King's eyes were always in shadow...........