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On Home Soil
Storm Dog
The Kordasa
Angels in the Harpy's Nest
Stake Out
The Shining Bone
Culusa & Zeril
Keys to the City
A Nasty Business
Tactics and Strategies
Lady Kyraetha's Doom
Vengeance Satisfied

On Home Soil

14th February 1608

Erean MountainsIt was good to be back on Alair, even this far from his home, thought Surya. His family were once again safe. His wife had returned to Reital after her imprisonment at the hands of the Marilith Zabyrayt. His son now stood next to him, no longer a baby in arms, but a fully grown man. Not as his nemeses, clad in black armour and wielding a sword, but as a prince of Alair. Cuitech had not wished to continue wearing the reminders of his imprisonment, so his farther had secured them in the bag of holding for safe keeping.

Standing with the King and Crown Prince of New Tellare where two others. Hildraft the Hand of Kord and Saethor, a powerful nightmare from the lower planes of the Abyss.

It was Hildraft that had recognised where they were first, Stormpeak, in the Erean Mountains. This range of mountains lay to the east of Alair and was home to the majority of its dwarves. It was also the site of the ruined Orcholds destroyed by Varkar.

The Dwarves of Alair live in great cities, carved into the living rock of the Erean Mountains. Humans refer to these dwellings as Dwarfcastles. Gloiran and Kobur are both to the north of Sildor and the Elf River, the great city of Nisur is to the south. The dwarves of Kobur are unusual in that they trade with the elves, sending trade caravans down from the mountains to Curulindale. There they will trade dwarf-made items to the elves, and to the human traders from the north and the Empire. The dwarves of Gloiran and Kobur make constant war on the Orcs of the northern mountains, but both races are far too strongly emplaced to be completely removed.

Since the Slaying, the dwarf cities have retrenched and repaired the damage of the brief Dwarf War. A new strong King in Kobur, Berrin Ironfist, means that the city is ready for anything that may transpire.

The sight of two tall humans one clad in black plate armour, a dwarf wielding a glowing glass axe and a demonic stallion oozing fire and brimstone was sure to attract attention. So to reduce their impact on the scene, Surya bid his steed to return to Tariclya in depths of Hades and await his Prince Cuitech's first sight of the world of Alair; view from the slopes of Stormpeakcall. The nightmare bid his master farewell and melted in to the ether and was gone. The three of them stood for a while in silence, just taking in the spectacular view from this high peak. The only thing spoiling the moment was the rain, which was now falling quite heavily. Surya turned to his son and said, with the rain running down his armour.

"Welcome back to Alair."

The Crown Prince of New Tellare acknowledged his farther with a smile, he was clearly very happy to be home, if a little bit damp. Surya left his son to take in the view and joined the dwarf. They discussed their next move which was to travel to Karennal, the capital of Trialt and site of the Kordasa. With their plans made, Surya broached the subject of binding demons with the Hand of Kord. Hildraft was at first amenable to the concept, anything that removed evil from the world met with his approval. But the dwarf was suspicious of this human's line of questioning. Surya then told Hildraft of his initial plans to bind Zabyrayt to a sword as punishment for her crimes against his family, but he did not think he was capable of achieving it alone. The Dwarf, surprisingly, agreed to help. So it was agreed that they would pursue this creature to Sigil and kill or bind her.

Storm Dog

As they finished talking, both felt a change around them. They where both adept in the use of magic and as such were quite in tune with magical auras around people and places. But this was different. Something extremely powerful was approaching. The feeling grew to god like proportions. Surya called Cuitech to him and bid him to stay close. Gradually, in the curtain of rain before them, a form took shape. The form of a massive, heavy-shouldered hound. His back was the blue-black of thunderheads, his underside the turbulent grey of wind-whipped cloud, his legs mere coalescences of lashing rain, constantly flowing, and his eyes were lightning.

Surya and Hildraft had not encountered anything like this before. It was clearly elemental, but of enormous power. Hildraft could sense no malice in the creature. After a moment it spoke, "Who are you and why are you on my mountain." Surya answered for his companions, explaining they had inadvertently arrived on Stormpeak and were on route to Karennal. Hildraft asked of the creature, "Who or what are you", it responded, "I am Storm Dog and this is my realm, the heart of Alair and the source of all it's weather." the creature continued "You are far off course and I would normally ask you to leave, but I sense a purpose in you. May I enquire of your quest?"

Surya told the being of their plans to pursue a demon and when he mentioned her name, the creature became very interested. It explained he knew of another, a celestial servant of Pelor, that also wishes harm to the Marilith Zabyrayt. Storm Dog then opened what appeared to be a window in the rain, through which they could just make out another being. The two spoke for a while then the other, clearly celestial in nature, stepped through the rain portal.

The hound Archon - VusagyenA powerfully built humanoid with the head of a dog now stood in front of Surya and Hildraft. It carried a great sword strapped across its broad back. The creature introduced itself, "I am Vusagyen, a hound Archon. I believe you have a demon problem". Hildraft asked why he also wished Zabyrayt dead. The Archon explained that many years ago, he and Zabyrayt found themselves commanding armies on opposite sides in a great battle. The Archon lost and the fiends then massacred what was left of his army and everyone else in the vicinity. Vusagyen blamed Zabyrayt for that atrocity. With a new allegiance formed, with the understanding that they would attempt to bind Zabyrayt if they could, they left Stormpeak

The Kordasa

Storm Dog opened a second rain gate and the four companions step through it. They found themselves on a busy street in Karennal. Hildraft was very aware of the city's layout and led them very quickly to the Kordasa. It had been some time since the dwarf had been in the city, but he was not surprised at the extent of the Kordasa's expansion. They entered the holy place and proceeded to the inner sanctum of the temple. It was a while before anyone challenge their right of passage, but two paladins finally ask to see some credentials. It was at this point that Surya thought he would have a bit of fun.

The holy knight's looked the foursome up and down and suggested that they return the way they had come, as beyond here lay the private inner sanctum of the church. Surya moved closer to the guards and whispered, "Surely you must recognise him." gesturing to Hildraft, "A dwarf in glass armour, carrying symbols of your god and a glass axe…"

The sight of the realisation on the guard's faces was priceless. One of the guards turned to Surya and said, "If he's the Hand of Kord, doesn't that make you…" Surya nodded and nodded that the other guard was now looking around quite intently. Hildraft surmised correctly that he was looking for Sack. The guards, now with the greatest respect, let them through and despatched a runner to announce the arrival of the dignitaries.

Once inside the inner sanctum they were greeted by a Dwarven priest who introduced himself as Bishop Unntarg. The cleric asked what had brought them to the temple. Hildraft informed him they wish to see Jasselan and asked him to arrange an audience with the High Priest of the Kordasa. The bishop suggested they freshen up while he arranged the meeting. The priest led them to a private chamber, where baths and clean clothes were provided.

The companions took advantage of the opportunity to freshen up and where join shortly afterwards by the High Priest of the Kordasa. Jasselan greeted Hildraft and his party warmly and after the pleasantries where exchanged, asked what had brought them here. Hildraft turned to the King of New Tellare and said "My friend has a favour or two to ask of the Church."

Surya then asked the priest if he would take in to his care this young man, pointing to Cuitech. Jasselan agreed to oblige, but asked, "Who is he, a relative. He has a familiar look about him" Surya then said, "This information goes no further, but he is my son". Jasselan looked very surprised, as he knew the Crown Prince of New Tellare was only a few months old. Surya told the priest the tale that had brought about the transformation. The High Priest promised to keep his identity secret and to care and train the boy until their return.

Surya penned a letter to his wife explaining all that had transpired since their parting in Taurnor and passed the letter to Jasselan. Surya asked if he did not return in one month to send the note to Reital.

Surya spoke again, "The second thing I need is a sword, a good one". The High Priest of the Kordasa looked quizzically at Surya and responded, "you already have many blades, why would you need an other."

Surya explained that they needed a blade in order to complete their quest, but did not state what purpose he intended to put the sword too. He just explained they needed it in a hurry and had no time to make or purchase one. The explanation was good enough for the High Priest, if the Hand of Kord needed anything and it was in his power to do so, he would help. Jasselan gestured for them to follow him. Hildraft and Vusagyen followed the Priest, but Surya remained behind for a few moments and bid his son farewell saying.

"I must leave you for a while, in the safe hands of the knights and priests of Kord. I will return when I have punished the creature that has tried to harm our family. When I return I will reacquaint you with your mother and introduce you to the land and the people that one day you will rule over."

With that Surya left his son and followed his companions. The High Priest led the trio through the temple to the headquarters of the Knights of the Church of Kord the Triumphant. Where Jasselan introduced them to Oramar Foxdreamer, a knight of the Order, whose responsibility was the safe keeping of its weapons and armour. The priest explaining the needs of his companions and left them with Oramar stating "let them have what they need."

Oramar led them to a small chamber, lined with weapon racks, some of which held weapons. The Paladin explained that most of the weapons and relics where actually carried by the Knights of the Order and used to further Kord's good works. He led them to a weapons rack that contained just one sword, a long sword. Oramar drew the sword from it resting place and turned to the three of them stating.

"This is Durandana, last carried by Velarn. It is a Holy Devastator and was used to slay Kaland a powerful lich. Velarn was unfortunately slain in a tavern here in Karennal, by an unknown warrior. The sword found its way to a temple in New Tellare and was returned to us very recently. Several of our Order have tried the blade, but it has not suited them."

Surya knew the blade very well, for he had felt its sting many years ago. He was the unknown warrior, but was not going to admit it here. Surya held the weapon and turned to the Paladin and said, "This will do nicely, thank you. Now where do you keep the really good stuff?" The Paladin seemed to be very aware of the weaponry the King carried, and knew what Surya wanted to see. "Follow me, I will show you our more unsavoury collection, but please do not remove any of them"

Surya, Hildraft & Vusagyen were led down into the depths of the building by Oramar Foxdreamer, where they where shown some of the more interesting weapons that the Paladins of Kord had collected over the years. Just about every conceivable type of weapon could be seen hanging from the walls of this vault. Great swords, flails, maces, morning stars, and others the three heroes' could not even name. These weapons had been place here for safe keeping never to be used again. The swords the King of Tellare carried would not have looked out of place here and Hildraft suggested that, for the sake of his soul, he should leave them behind.

After a brief tour of the dark armoury, Hildraft removed the wooden apple from his pocket and turned to Surya saying, "Shall we? I believe we have every thing we need" All three agreed that they had lingered here too long and it was time to go. Hildraft activated the portal key and the door way from the dark armoury was transformed in to a gate. Through which they could see the unmistakable plane of Sigil. All three stepped into the gate and left Alair.


Orbiting the tip of the Spire is SigilIn the centre of the Great Wheel of the Outer Planes lies the Outlands, the grey realities of neutrality. In the centre of the Outlands stands the Spire, an impossible pinnacle thousands of miles high, which suppresses all magic as one ascends. Orbiting the tip of the Spire is Sigil, a doughnut-shaped reality with a fantastical city built along its' inner surface.

While magic exists in Sigil, none of the Powers - Gods, Arch Devils, Demon Princes - can touch it, and no mechanic of planar transportation save the portal operates. The absolute ruler is the Lady of Pain, a mystery of non communication, she seldom interacts, and tolerates most things in her peculiar realm except Gods and Tyrants. She creates and destroys the myriad portals that dot the city. From Sigil it is possible to go anywhere, if you have the correct portal key.

The companions looked around at this strange place, and gradually reacquainted themselves to its' strange physics. The horizon which rose instead of dipping was hard to cope with, but not as bad as the distant sky-city formed by the far side of the ring far overhead. The variable buildings, built of anything and everything as Sigil has no native materials, were rather easier to deal with.

The three had been here before, so the site of this strange and wonderful place was not the compete shock it had been the first time, but it was still one of the strangest places in the multiverse. Surya recalled their first visit to the city pursuing, if that was the right word, the Yugoloth assassin Bramandin. Sent by Tiamat herself to kill all the Dragonslayers. He also recalled those natives of Sigil that had helped them. Hann the tout, a professional guide to the bewilderment that is Sigil, Jarvis the Dustman with his fondness for sheep and The White Rat.

They decided that a good place to start their quest would be to track down the White Rat. A strange creature, a knight of the forces of Balance and a lycanthrope. But at least he lived in one of the more up market parts of the city.

After standing for a few long minutes observing the strangeness of Sigil, Hildraft flagged down one of the many Sedan Chairs and suggested they get moving. The three climbed aboard and headed for the residence of the White Rat. They decided to disembark from the vehicle a few streets from the Paladin's home, hoping for another run in with Nairb, the self-righteous & opinionated sergeant with the Harmonium, but no such luck. A bit disappointed Surya knocked on the door of the White Rat's abode. A familiar voice from inside answered "It's open, come in" Surya pushed opened the door and the three entered the house.

The house was well appointed and comfortable. They found the Paladin at ease and clearly expecting them. He The White Rat - Paladin of the Balancegestured for them to join him and take of cup of Choclatal, a hot, sweet drink, reputedly from a parallel Prime Material plane. The three guests sat and enjoyed the drink. Surya introduced Vusagyen to the White Rat and then started to tell him of reason for calling upon him, but the Paladin said he already knew why they where here. Surya voiced his concerns that he knew so much about their guests, but the White Rat soon alleviated their fears stating that his information came from his masters, the Balance. The White Rat was a Paladin of the Balance and it was their undertaking to keep the equilibrium between good and evil. Surya told the White Rat of their plans to bind the fiend to a sword, which he showed to him. Killing the creature here would only banish her back to the Abyss. The White Rat seemed very impressed with the weapon adding "I wonder what effect the binding would have on this holy weapon" Surya just smiled, he was looking forward to finding out.

The Paladin agreed to help in their quest, but only if they would consider aiding him after Surya had taken his revenge on Zabyrayt. The four now quite relaxed after the warm drinks move on matters of theology. The Dwarf could not understand why a Paladin would want there to be balance between good and evil, he and Vusagyen believed that his job should be to vanquish evil. Surya found himself, as usual, being accused of committing evil acts. He tried to suggest he used his darker powers to further good and strangely he found himself on the side of the Paladin. Both sides believed they were right and once the Dwarf got on to the subject of fences and splinters, they decided to stop arguing.

The White Rat did not know where Zabyrayt was to be found, stating it was easy to find a fiend in Sigil, unless that fiend did not want to found. They needed information. One of the best places to start was to look for noteworthy newcomers to Sigil. After a few inquires were made they had a short list of a few of likely candidate. Quaydah the Djinni, a Pit Fiend called Denarask, two outworld mercenaries Culusa and Zeril and the most promising led, Shenshal.

Shenshal it transpired was a Planetar, a Celestial being, but it was rumoured that it was frequenting some of the less salubrious dives in the downtown district of Sigil. It was agreed that Surya and Hildraft would track the creature down and set off for The Harpy's Nest. This tavern was not the sort of place you would expect to find a creature from upper planes, but rumour had it this was the place to start.

Angels in the Harpy's Nest

From the outside The Harpy's Nest was a ramshackle sort of a building, made from just about every conceivable material building material you could imagine and a few you could not. It was a wonder, to Hildraft & Surya as they stood outside, that the building stayed up at all, but it did and had done for many years. They entered through the main door at the front of the hostelry and descended the short fight of steps in to the poorly lit bar. The entrance was designed to give the occupants of the room inside a good look at visitors, before their eyes could adjust to the change in lighting. Not a problem for Surya who went in first, followed by the Hand of Kord.

At one end of the room was a bar, behind which Jokinen the Harpy was serving drinks, to the querying customers. The centre of the room was filled with tables and chairs, most of which where occupied and around the walls were booths where guests could drink in a more private atmosphere. The decor of the tavern bore witness to many a bar brawl with parts of the weapons used still wedged in the walls and furniture. The occupants of the room where quite varied, Humans, Gith, Fiends and all manor of other creatures could be seen. All ignored the new arrivals. Surya and Hildraft made their way to the bar, passing two huge Ogres, standing over nine foot tall and each weighing over six hundred pounds. These creatures where clearly employed to keep the peace in this establishment, thought stooped due to the height of the bar ceiling they still cut an impressive sight with there enormous spiked clubs dragging on the ground. There where few that would mess with these creatures and tell the tale afterwards.

Surya reached the bar first and immediately caught the attention of Jokinen. She wandered over to where Surya stood and squawked "You're a big boy, what can I get you". The King, not rising to the Harpies advances, just ordered two beers. He asked if she new of the creature Shenshal and was it in the bar to night. The Harpy answered "May be, but I don't get involved in the private business of my customers" The bar maid then asked for two copper pieces for the beer. Surya quietly placed a one hundred gold piece coin in her hand. She looked at him and said "Well as you asked so nicely, you will find Shenshal at the table behind you. That will be the one with the with wings, but you didn't hear it from me"

Surya thanked the creature and passed a flagon of the ale to the Dwarf. The Dwarf looked at the ale with a hint of disgust and questioned Surya as too it's quality. The dwarf wove a spell over the beers and they proceeded drink the now heavenly elixir.

Shenshal was sat at a table with a very disreputable human indeed. They were deep in conversation and appeared to be plotting something. Neither Surya nor Hildraft could hear what was being said, but the Human was clearly trying to convince the Planetar to do something, something diabolical no doubt from his looks. Hildraft turned to Surya and stated that he would have expected to see a huge aura of goodness around this creature, but it was much diminished, something was quite wrong with this Celestial. Surya attempted to lip read the conversation. He had spent many years in the company of a mute Orc and was quite skilled in the art. The Robe of eyes made the task quite easy.

Surya could only read the lips of the Human as the Celestial had its back to him. Surya started to relay the words to Hildraft. It transpired that the human was trying to convince Shenshal that it would be in its interest to kill a creature called Werlen. At the mention of this name Hildraft's demeanour change, he clearly knew the name. Surya asked him who or what Werlan was, Hildraft answered "A Planetar of Kord, and their conversations is over"

Hildraft started to move towards the table, unshipping his axe as he went. Surya followed, but was a little slow of the mark, a bit surprised by the rapid turn in events. Surya thought to himself "Here we go again, another fight started by the Dwarf that he would have to finish". Hildraft was clearly on a mission and as he approached the table he accidentally knocked the Human's drink in to his lap. The human sprang to his feet, dripping with beer and in his rage went for his sword. That was his downfall, all the Dwarf needed was a reason and now he had two. The Hand of Kord raised the Axe of Glass and brought it down upon the creatures head. The force was so great that the axe passed straight through his skull and the human fell to the floor, stone dead.

Hildraft then turned to the Planetar and said "That's what happens when you plot to kill one of Kord's servants". Stunned by the attack on his companion, Shenshal just stared in to the eyes of the Hand of Kord. A look of horror fell across the Planetar face as it realised who and what was now staring back it him. The horror was shortly replaced by guilt and finally turned to anger. At this point it stood up, not a good move when you are twelve foot tall and taller that the ceiling. From his hand a great sword appeared and he prepared to swing it at Hildraft. But before it could land the blow, Surya let fly with both of his cursed swords and subdued the creature with an almighty assault. The celestial being dropped the weapon and slumped over the table almost unconscious.

Some of the customers had noticed the brawl and were now gathering around to see what would happen next. Surya insisted there was nothing to see, which was clearly untrue. It was not every day you got to see a bar brawl between an Angel, a high ranking Dwarven priest and one of Alair's finest swordsmen. But before Surya could disband the throng, the two Ogres bouncers barged their way through the spectators and headed towards the protagonists. Surya lowered his weapons as the two approached in an attempt to calm things down. The Ogres suggested that they took their fight outside, but after Surya convinced them it was over and with the approving nod from Jokinen, still behind the bar, they just dragged the corpse away.

Surya and Hildraft turned their attention to the injured Celestial being. Hildraft cast his healing magic upon the creature and it seemed to recover from his injuries. The pair then interrogated Shenshal for information. It transpired Shenshal was a Planetar of Pelor and the creature Hildraft had decapitated was a Thrall of Dispater called Thafistolic. The Thrall had been trying to corrupt Shenshal in to worshiping Dispater. Shenshal had become disillusioned in the service of Pelor and had been turned to evil with the promise of power and greatness. Unfortunately for Surya the Planetar knew nothing of the whereabouts of Zabyrayt.

Hildraft tried in vain to persuade Shenshal to return to the service of Pelor, but it claimed there was no going back for him now. Also Dispater would not be able to trust him after this incident. The fallen Celestial left the Harpy's Nest and disappeared in to the night. After a few more beers Surya and Hildraft also left and returned to the home of the White Rat. Surya felt disappointed that they had made no progress with their quest. Hildraft, on the other hand, was elated that they had possibly obverted a travesty and was rather pleased with his new found prowess with the Axe of Glass.

Anyone outside the Harpy's Nest that night may have noticed the headless corpse in the gutter. Not an unusual site in this district of Sigil. It would not be long before the Dustmen cleared this refuse up.

Stake Out

During his short time in the City of Doors, Surya had discovered that Sigil was divided in to six wards. The Lady's Ward was Sigil's wealthiest district, the home of the obscenely rich and powerful and a centre for law and order. Fortuitously for Surya it was in this Ward that the White Rat had taken up residence. A place of wide avenues, mansions, palaces and cathedrals.

The Lower Ward was the home of Sigil's working class, polluted as it is from the smoke of industry and smoke from the many portals to the Lower Planes found there. The Market Ward, smallest and densest ward, where anything can be bought and sold. The Guildhall Ward was the home of the middle classes of Sigil, where local guilds centre their power among hundreds of small ethnic neighbourhoods. The Clerk's Ward was Sigil's centre of government and bureaucracy. Full of bean-counters, red tape, politicians, advocates, criminals, jink-launderers, civil servants and librarians. It also has a thriving bohemian quarter.

The Hive Ward, the poorest of Sigil's six wards, was a slum whose muddy, unpaved streets and alleys are choked with garbage, muggers, criminal gangs, prostitutes, and ramshackle impromptu housing built wherever there was room. It is in this district that Surya now found himself. The lead that Vusagyen had brought back indicated that the Pit Fiend Denarask was living in the Hive Ward, next to a butcher's shop of all places. The thought of the Hand of Kord and a Fiend of the Abyss in the same room was not an easy one to cope with. So Surya and Hildraft had agreed it would better for all concerned that he seek out the Pit fiend alone.

When the heavily-armoured King arrived, all seemed unusually peaceful. The Fine Cut was doing steady if not spectacular business that day, mostly with humans and near-humans. Surya waited until the shop was almost empty of customers before entering the premises. The proprietor was a heavyset human man in his forties and asked Surya what was his pleasure. The King purchased a few of the owner's finest cuts and than in a low voice asked if he knew of the occupant next door.

The butcher blinked. "Oh, you mean the Big Ugly on that side?" he gestured to his left. "Oh, yes, he's a regular, likes his meat raw and preferably badly jointed. I keep a special set of tools for his stuff." He pointed to the wall, down out of sight behind the counter, where a set of dreadfully rusty and toothless cleavers, bone saws and knives hung.

After they had finished chatting, Surya thanked Duzmad for the information and left the butcher to his trade. Opposite The Fine Cut was a public house called The Butcher's Block Alehouse, which Surya now entered. The establishment was not overly crowded and Surya had no trouble locating a table by a window with a view of the Fiends abode. He ordered a beer from the bar and sat at the table and observed the house for a while.
He sat there for some time, the parcel of cool meat lying beside him on the bench, watching a variety of customers come and go from the butcher's. Finally he saw a slender humanoid, dressed in black leather from head to foot, even to a form-fitting facemask, come out of Denarask's house, enter the butcher's, and return staggering under a massive slab of dripping, ragged meat.

Surya assumed that the roughly butchered meat could only be for Denarask's lunch. So after a further hour had passed and a second beer, Surya packed his own rather small joint away and vacated the Butcher's Block Alehouse. He crossed the road towards the house thinking to himself, "it only seems fair to let the Devil eat in peace and he should have finished by now".

Surya knocked at the door, which was answered by the same strangely-garbed individual he had seen in the butchers. When the King indicated he'd like to see the master of the house, she ushered him in without delay. As Surya walk through the building, he noticed sacks of coal heaped here and there. The coal seemed to occupy a large percentage of the house, but the guide directed Surya down in to the cellar.

As she opened a door, the heat hit the King of New Tellare in the face like a blow. The room he now entered was lined with ceramic tiles on all six faces, and was dominated by a giant furnace, shimmering with heat and stoked high with coal. Seated in this inferno was the Pit Fiend, wreathed in flames and weighing over 800 pounds. The creature with itDenarask, the Pit Fiend wings wrapped round him, like a grotesque cloak, looked interestingly at his guest. Denarask appeared a little surprised to get a visitor, but not alarmed or upset. He grins down at Surya with his tearing teeth, his shark-black eyes giving nothing away.

"To what do I owe the pleasure?" he rumbles.

Surya introduced himself, there seemed very little point to hiding his identity. If the creature had heard of him and his reputation it may sway in the mortals favour. Surya then asked the creature if he knew of the whereabouts of Zabyrayt the Marilith.

A deep chuckle resonated through Denaresk's considerable belly. "A hazardous thing, for a mortal to seek out a fiend of the lower planes. I know her name and her repute, a general of mighty victories and little mercy. I don't know where she is now. I do, however, know a little about her doings here in Sigil. You seem very keen to learn such lore, to beard me in my warm lair here. It will cost you a trifle, a token, a favour, a little thing."

The King answered the Devil with his usual diplomacy "Seeking fiends is a perilous undertaking for most mortals, but I am not most mortals. I have no fear of the denizens of the lower planes, as a veteran of the blood wars I have fought with and against your kind. Tell me what you know of the cowardly creature I seek and I will consider your request".

The Devil raised himself up, obviously trying to impress the human before him and then spoke again "Adamantite," he rumbled. "Not much, just a small piece, worked into a pair of fetters the size of a human's wrists. Find me such a trinket and I shall tell you what I know."

Surya's face dropped when he heard the request. Where was he to find such an item?, he thought to himself. He had access to some of the metal, but there was no way he could work it. There were very few that could. Surya turned the request back on to the Devil. "A very rare metal indeed and not a common use for it. I don't believe I would be able to find such a trinket, unless" he paused "You know where such an object could be found and pray tell me why you would want such an artefact".

The Devil stated he did not know if such an item could be found on Sigil, but pointed out that Surya was encased in the metal and that it had recently been worked upon. The Fiend was referring to the armour he wore and the King did know craftsmen capable of working the metal.

Surya told the creature the price for the information was too high and suggested the Fiend asked for something else. The Demon turned the response back on Surya stating "What do you suggest, an interesting artefact, an appealing soul or something out of the ordinary" Surya could not think of anything, so bid the creature farewell and left the Devil's home.

The Shining Bone

Hildraft had heard news of a new portal that had appeared in Sigil, near to the Hall of Speakers in the Clark's Ward, and had gone to see if for himself. The appearance of a new portal was a major event in the City of Doors and it had attracted very many visitors since its emergence two days ago. The Dwarf had taken the White Rat with him and both spent some time observing the new attraction, after a while they were joined by Surya. They decided to leave a watch on the portal and pursue other lines of enquiry. Surya asked the Rat if he knew of any reputable butchers on Sigil. His companion spoke of a butcher on the far side of town called the Shining Bone, which had the reputation of being able to cater for any taste. Without telling his friends why Surya suggested they visit the establishment. So after a short trip in a Sedan chair they arrived out side the Shining Bone.

The butcher's was housed in a long collection of buildings all merged in to one. Inside was not quite what they were expecting. There were the usual sorts of counters, stocked with a vast array of meats. Some meats they recognised, others they did not. These stalls where staffed by butchers, dress as one would have expected for the trade. The unusual sight that greeted the three when they entered the shop was the many portals and what could only be described as hunters. Clearly this establishment offered another service to satisfy it client's tastes. The three observed hunters entering the portals and others returning carrying their client's choice of freshly killed flesh.

Surya approached one of the many counters and asked the butcher if they carried any celestial meats. The man behind the counter asked politely if it was for Surya's own consumption. Surya answered "No I am shopping for a Fiend". The butcher cast a simple magical incantation to determine Surya's nature and asked "You wouldn't be shopping for Denarask, one of are best customers." Surya now very impressed by the butcher's observation nodded and asked simply "What hasn't he had". The butcher stroked his chin and smiled, clearly quite happy to take up the challenge.
After a few moments thought he called to one of his juniors and they both vanished off in to the bawls of the store, only to return shortly with a very large side of meat. Surya not recognising the animal asked the butcher what it was. He answered "A Lion of some sort, from the Beastlands". Surya looked at the joint, it had many more ribs than he had expected and flecks of gold shot through the flesh making it glisten in the lights of the shop. The King turned to the butcher and told him he would take the entire side of meat. Delighted at the sale the butcher arranged for the side of meat to be wrapped and turned to Surya and asked for payment. Surya placed a small green gem on the counter and said "that should cover it". The butcher took the gem and called another member of staff over to the counter. The creature that approached was clearly a Dwarf of some kind, but not of a type seen on Alair. He courteously nodded to Hildraft and took the jewel from the Butcher. The Dwarf spent a few moments examining the precious stone before stating "A smidgen over, by my reckoning".

With business now concluded, Surya turned to the butcher and suggested "You should run safaris for your more athletic customers, those portals and hunters could be a goldmine for this establishment". The butcher again rubbed his chin and agreed it was an excellent suggestion. With the butcher's mind now on other things, the three left the Shining Bone and headed back to the Hive Ward.

A short ride in a Sedan chair put them outside the Fiend's home. Surya knocked on the door and it was answered by Denarask's servant. She showed no surprise in seeing Surya again and showed him and his companions in. Denarask also was not too surprised to see Surya and was the first to speak "Come to barter for the information you kneed, so what is it to be an interesting soul?" the Devil said looking at the White Rat and Hildraft "Or have you brought me an interesting artefact".

"Neither" said Surya, throwing the huge parcel of meat between them and gestured for Denarask to try some. The Fiend took a small chunk and tasted the sweet meat. "Delicious, but what is it". Surya told him and Denarask seemed very please with his gift and agreed to tell them what he knew.

It transpired the Denarask had a Cambion son called Brakos, who has had dealing with a Beholder called Plato. Plato is in Sigil trading for slaves and armour. A Beholder's use of slaves is quite common, but to armour them was certainly not the norm. The Fiend gave directions to his son's residence and stated that his son would be able to give more details and guide them where necessary.

Surya thanked Denarask for his help and the three left his home, much to the relief of the other two. Surya was now quite used to dealing with Fiends, without drawing his weapons. Hildraft on the other hand still preferred the older methods of engagement with their sort.

The three made their way to Brakos's home, a small two up two down stone built house. Surya knocked on the door which was shortly answered by a humanoid creature with an obvious fiendish heritage. Cambions are a cross-breed between a Devil or Demon and another sentient race, usually a human. They have many features and powers from their fiendish heritage and being basically humanoid, they can utilize more mortal equipment than most fiends. The half-fiend ask what they wanted and after Surya explained that they had been sent by his farther, told them what he knew.

Brakos had been supplying armour to the Beholder Plato. They had met at an inn called the Stoats Ear, where the Cult of the Beholder also met once a week. It was during one of there meetings he had seen a letter addressed to Zabyrayt. This letter, and others where delivered to their recipients by two members of the cult - Culusa & Zeril. Brakos showed them to the Stoats Ear, which was not far from his home and informed them the next meeting was in four days.

Culusa & Zeril

They decided as there would be a four day wait until the next meeting of the Cult of the Beholder to follow another lead. The names of the two outworld mercenaries kept coming up, so Hildraft asked Brakos if he knew of the whereabouts of Culusa & Zeril. The Cambion told him that he believed they were billeted in a flop house near by.

Surya, Hildraft and the White Rat followed the directions and found the hovel. The building was in a very poor state of repair and like the Harpy Nest looked like it could fall down at any time. They entered the building through the front door and found themselves in the foyer. The room was quite large and would have benefited greatly from a lick of paint. At one end of the room was a staircase and two other passages, which no doubt lead to the guests rooms. There was a reception desk to Surya right, behind which sat a human female. The woman was clearly suffering from the effects of a life time's abuse of drink and drugs. Surya approach the retched creature and asked which room he would find Culusa & Zeril in.

"Upstairs, number four…that will be four gold pieces"

Surya thank the woman and gave her the money, she looked very surprised, clearly not expecting any reward. Surya seeing her surprise asked if Culusa & Zeril where at home. She told him that someone was in. Surya them passed her another four gold coins and told her to.

"Drink yourself to death, dear"

She thanked him and went back to what she was doing. Surya turned to his companions and gestured to the stairs. The three then piled up the extremely unstable staircase. There was very little point to the stealthy approach, if these mercenaries were worth their salt, they would already know they had guests. The staircase to the surprise of all took their heavily armour frames, but did not do so quietly. The landing they appeared on, also did not look like it would take their weight either, but it did and the three found themselves outside room four. Before Surya had a chance to knock there was a shout from inside inviting them in.

The room was occupied by two men. One was lying on the bed, the other standing by the bed. Both wore light armour and carried weapons of their trade. One was armed with a bastard sword and the other two shortswords. Their equipment seemed well made, but worn and very probably magical. They clearly had experience of warfare and though apparently at ease in the room had the look of being ready to deal with their guests.

Culusa was the first to speak and asked very abruptly "What do you want". Surya answered the mercenary and told him they just wanted information. Surya explained that they had been led to them through their dealing with Plato the Beholder. At the mention of that name Zeril exclaimed

"No, NO. We serve Clodius, the one true Beholder, not that mutant Plato"

This was not the answer Surya was expecting, but he pressed the point. "But you work for Plato, run its errands surly" both the mercenaries denied any dealing with Plato. Surya told them that he had it on good authority that they had been seen in the Stoats Ear in the company of the creature and were known to have taken a letter to a Marilith. The pair stated it was in that public house the Cult of the Beholder met and they had delivered messages, but for Clodius and not to any demon. The conversation between the three humans was now getting quite fraught, and it was not helped when the Dwarf without warning cast a spell. Surya recognised the incantation, but gave no thoughts to its consequences as all his senses were now trained on the two outland warriors. The act of casting a spell had pushed the situation to fever pitch and all were finding it very hard not to draw weapons. All three knew if just one blade was drawn deaths would follow. It was Culusa that moved first and shout to the Hand of Kord.

"What did you cast?"

The Dwarf in his usual off hand and not really helpful manor just answered "Just a little pest control". It was very unlikely that the two mercenaries believed him, but due to the fact nothing appeared to happen they stood down. The spell Hildraft had cast was in fact, Zone of Truth, and it meant that only those in the room with extremely strong wills would be able to lie. Hildraft knew that his comrade and Culusa where unaffected by the magic, but poor Zeril could no longer tell untruths. Surya continued to question the two and it now transpired they had delivered a message addressed to Zabyrayt, but the recipient was not a Demon but one Lady Kyraetha, Commander of the Harmonium's night watch. It transpired she had been plane walking for the last six months and had only recently returned. They where told She was not very please when she received the message.

Could a commander of the lawful and self righteous Harmonium be the same Demon they were chasing, it seemed very unlikely. But it was another lead that Surya and Hildraft would have to follow.

They thanked Culusa and Zeril and left the flop house. Hildraft and Surya made their way back to the home of the White Rat. On their arrival they were greeted by the paladin who gave them the latest news on the new portal. The watch they had placed on the portal near to the Hall of Speakers in the Clark's Ward had paid a dividend. It transpired that during the night someone or something had passed through the portal, under a cloak of invisibility, only to return ten hours later.

Surya told the White Rat of their findings and they decided to investigate further the Commander of the Harmonium's night watch. The Lady Kyraetha had lodgings within the barracks of the Harmonium and it was there that they would concentrate their efforts. The White Rat knew of an individual that would be able to infiltrate the barracks unseen and went off to find him. The Rat returned shortly with and an Elf in tow, dressed in light brown leather armour. The Elf had a similar manor to that of Sack, he was able to blend in to the shadows very effectively and had one of those faces, once seen was never remembered. The White Rat introduced his companion, Elenrael, to Surya and Hildraft. Hildraft was not happy to see another Elf, the Dwarf's mistrust of Elves was well known and he let it show. Elenrael was unconcerned and ignored the Hand of Kord's comments. Surya was more concerned with the job in hand and interrogated Elenrael for any information he already had on the Harmonium and its commander. It transpired that it was well known that the commander had recently returned to Sigil and since that return law & order had improved markedly. In fact a higher percentage of night thieves and rogues had been captured recently and a lower number had reappeared after their arrest.

Surya then asked Elenrael to look for changes in the way the Harmonium now operate and to observe its night commander with an eye anything out of character. The King arranged for the two of them to meet each night at a park near by and with that the Elf left.

Surya then had a thought. The portal key that Hildraft owned always opened a gateway in the exact same place in Sigil. In fact all portal keys did and they would return you to the same place you started from on leaving Sigil. Surya had seen a view of Sigil in the portal Zabyrayt had opened, and the key she owned would always open in the same place. Surya tried to put the vision he had seen to paper and showed it to the White Rat. The White Rat took the drawing and said he would make further inquiries. If they could find the portal the Marilith used, may be they could trap her there.

Keys to the City

Still with his mind on portal keys, Surya decided to purchase his own. The wooden apple that Hildraft owned had only a few charges left and it seemed prudent that he should have his own. Just in case something happened to the Dwarf or he decided to abandon him here.

After securing directions to a reputable shop, Surya and Hildraft made their way on foot to the Market Ward of Sigil. Melrand's Portal Key Emporium was a small shop just on the outskirts of the Market Ward, but it was held in high esteem by many of the seasoned plane walkers of Sigil. The pair entered the establishment and looked around. The majority of the shop's walls where covered by shelves and at the back of the shop there was a counter. Stood behind the counter was a Lizardman, but not of the type the two were familiar with. He greeted the pair courteously as they entered the shop and introduced himself as Melrand.

Hildraft made his way towards the counter and asked if it was possible for the portal key he owned to be recharged. Melrand stated that would not be a problem, but it would not be ready until tomorrow. They agreed a price and Hildraft handed the wooden apple to Melrand in exchange for a receipt.

While Hildraft was conducting his business with Melrand, Surya looked over the content of the shop. The shelves were crammed with just about every conceivable artefact Surya could think of. The items ranged from small precious metal idols and figurines to rings and gem stones. Surya picked up one or two of the items examined them and place them carefully back where he had found them. Surya noticed out of the corner of his eye a small brass coloured object suspended from the ceiling. The object on closed examination appeared to be an eye of some sort and was following his movement through the shop. Its purpose was obvious as all the items of the shelves were magic and considering the nature of the shop were very probably very valuable portal keys.

Once Hildraft had concluded his business, Surya approached the counter and asked Melrand if he had a portal key that would take him back to Alair on the Prime Material plane. The shop keeper consulted his records and offered a few different locations on Alair, some of which the pair had not even heard of. Surya asked if any had last been used from his home town Reital. Again Melrand paged through his notes and then from a draw under the counter produced a small golden statue. He passed the figurine to Surya, who studied the object. Surya passed the item back and stated "Not really what I was looking for, do you have any other keys I could see". Melrand them produced a very pretty tigers eye gem stone. Surya responded "Very nice, but it is too small I fear I would lose that". The shopkeeper's patients were going to be tried by this customer, but he was a professional and he did not let it show. Melrand then produced a full size oaken quarterstaff, three inches thick, six foot long and shod with steal. The shopkeeper then said with a half smile "I don't think Sir could lose this…" Surya was just about to answer when Melrand said "What about a ring, not normally popular with my clients, but I have one that was last used from a place called Trialt, may be you know of the place" The king knew the place well, but it was no longer called by that name as the Kordasa now occupied much of that land. Surya answered simply "Perfect, how much"

"75,000 gold pieces" was the reply from Melrand. Surya looked the shopkeeper up and down and said "That's outrageous, you state that rings are not popular and that ring must have been in your care for ten years if you refer to it's origins as Trialt" Surya paused and followed up his argument with "At least Dick Turpin wore a mask"

The two haggled for a few minutes and finally agreed on a much lower price for the ring and with it fully charged. Surya paid a deposit and was told to return the next day to collect the item. With the financial dealing concluded Surya asked the shopkeeper if he had ever sold portal keys in the guise of hair pins, six in all. Surya knew that the Marilith they where chasing had used such items. The shopkeeper said he would research the matter and would for a gratuity let him know what he found. Surya asked about the nature of the gratuity, but all Melrand wanted was information on who was now using them.

With all the business now concluded Hildraft and Surya left the Portal Key Emporium and returned to the White Rat's home.

A Nasty Business

On returning to the home of the White Rat, the pair discovered the house was in turmoil. The Rat's servants where preparing the paladin for combat. Already dressed in his armour the White Rat explained that there had been a rather brutal rape the night before, not an unusual occurrence, but the victim was known to the paladin and would be avenged. The Rat said that this business was nothing to do with their quest, but they were welcome to tag along.

Hildraft and Surya said they would be happy to help and followed the paladin out of the house. As they made their way to the commercial district, the White Rat filled them in on the story. The rape had been carried out by a low life scum called Odirya and the Rat had it on good authority that Odirya had gone to ground in a disused warehouse opposite the Bathhouse. The White Rat said there was a small reward for the capture of the criminal, but none of the three needed the money and thought it best to donate it to the victim.

Shortly after dark the three arrived at the warehouse and were met by one of the paladin's agents. After a brief conversation with the agent they turned their attentions to the matter in hand. The warehouse was quite large, spanning three floors. There were three entrances to the building on the ground level, two small doors to the back and side and one very large entrance at the front. Hildraft used his skills of melding stone to block all but the doorway at the back and it was through this entrance that Surya entered the building, followed by the Dwarf and the Wererat.

The door opened in to a reception area, containing a few pieces of broken furniture and a counter. The counter was thick with dust and behind could be seen an open door. On the counter was a brass plaque covered with muck and dust. Surya wiped the sign with the back of his glove to reveal the name of the failed business - Fern & Witch. The three made their way through the door behind the counter in to a second room. This room was empty except for a flight of stairs leading to the second floor. The three climbed the staircase and entered a third room. This room housed a few chairs, desks and around the walls bookcases lined with the companies ledgers. Hiding behind one of the desks was a rather dishevelled human being. Surya approached the man, who on realising his hiding place had been discovered leapt up from behind the desk and levelled a crossbow at the King of New Tellare. The man was clearly petrified and was shaking like a leaf. On seeing the man's face the White Rat started to snarl and spit, without a doubt thought Surya this must be Odirya. Surya had neither of his swords drawn at this point, a fact that may have prolonged Odirya's life if only for a short time. Without a weapon to hand Surya improvised and using his great strength flung the nearest desk towards Odirya. The speed of the attack came as a great shock to Odirya, who was unable to dodge out of the way of the flying furniture. The desk crashed in to the rapist sending him tumbling to the floor. There was an audible crack, but Surya could not tell whether it was bone or wood. The crossbow Odirya had been holding now fell harmlessly to the ground. Surya approached the prone creature, lying as he was in a pool of his own blood. Odirya was now scrabbling on the floor desperately trying to draw another weapon. He managed to draw a knife from his belt and was now waving it rather pathetically at the armoured warrior. Surya noticed that Odirya's left arm had been broken during his confrontation with the desk and placed his armour boot firmly on the break. The pain was too much for the rouge who dropped the blade and then passed out. Turning to the White Rat Surya said "He's all yours". The Rat bound Odirya securely and through him over his shoulder. The paladin thanked both of them for their help and said as he left "I think the victim, should carry out the final punishment, see you back at my home"

After the Rat had left with his quarry, Surya and Hildraft stayed behind to search the warehouse for anything of interest. The building had been deserted for many years and was now only home to cockroaches and mice. Surprisingly the main store still contained a few unopened crates which they opened. The boxes contained a strange collection of commodities, similar to those used by Surya in his workshop. These items though were for use in the art of witch craft rather than sorcery and were of no use to Surya. Convinced there was nothing else of interest in the building they left and made their way back to the Lady's Ward of Sigil and the home of the Wererat.

Some time later that night the White Rat returned without Odirya and reported that justice has been carried out, by the victim. Adding "I don't think Odirya's will be bothering her again or anyone else for that matter". With that all turned in for the night, secure in the knowledge that the streets of Sigil where just a little safer.

Tactics and Strategies

Next morning Surya and Hildraft returned to Melrand's Portal Key Emporium. The shop was very quite when they arrived, in fact they were the only customers. Recognising the two, Melrand greeted them warmly and stated that the keys they wished to purchase were fully charged and ready for them to take. He placed both the ring and the apple on the counter for the pair to examine. Hildraft had already paid for the work to be carried out and took the apple and thanked the shopkeeper. As Hildraft placed the apple in his pocket, Melrand asked where the Dwarf had obtained the item. Hildraft told him he had acquired it from Xerxes, the retired plane walker. The shopkeeper knew the name very well, but stated he had not seen him for a while. Surya then passed a small leather pouch to Melrand and said "I believe this should cover the cost of the ring". The shopkeeper emptied the bags content on to the counter and examined the gems before him. He agreed that the hoard was indeed sufficient and Surya took the ring. Melrand said that the ring had been owned by a human called Belyr, who had come to a sticky end here on Sigil. Belyr's family had sold the ring to him at a far price and it had been in the shop ever since.

After the sales had been concluded, Surya asked Melrand if he had any information on the six hair pins. Melrand told him that he had sold them to a tall, blond lady, clad in silver armour. The description matched that of Lady Kyraetha, Commander of the Harmonium's night watch. The sale had taken place six months ago and she paid in full and in cash. Unfortunately she had not given her name. Melrand liked to know who owned his keys, but would never push his clients if they were unwilling to tell him. However Melrand did know where the six keys opened portals too and where they appeared on Sigil. He told them that the pins activate portals to the Abyss, the Prime Material Plane, Limbo, Hades, Mechanus and the Elemental Plane of Water. Also all the portals connect to a point just outside the Barracks.

With that Surya and Hildraft left the shop and wondered the streets of Sigil until it was time to meet up with Elenrael.

After many hours wondering they made their way to the rendezvous. Surya and Hildraft entered the park, which was well maintained and beautifully appointed with many exotic flowers, trees and grasses. At first they did not notice the Elf, not only was he a master of the arts of stealth and evasion, but he was also very at home in this environment. It was Surya that spotted him first, mainly aided by is robe. The Elf greeted the two of them and gave an account of his findings, so far, from inside the Harmonium's barracks.

Elenrael reported that he had joined the staff at the barracks, taking a menial job as a cleaner. He had observed the Lady Kyraetha organising and controlling her troops, tasks she performed with ruthless efficiency. But there was nothing sinister in the way she managed the running of the night watch, except for the treatment of the prisoners. Elenrael had seen a few prisoners treated with extreme brutality by members of the Harmonium, a practice that did not seem to bother the Commander. Surya asked the Elf to describe Kyraetha to him, which he did. The description matched that of the mysterious customer Melrand had eluded too, right down to the hair pins. With the report complete, Surya thank Elenrael for the information and paid him for his services. Surya and Hildraft returned to the home of the White Rat to plan their next move and the Elf disappeared in to the night.

The White Rat and Vusagyen were at ease in front of a warm fire when Surya and Hildraft returned. Hildraft and Surya joined them and recalled Elenrael's tale concerning life inside the Harmonium and the mysterious woman from Melrand's shop. This new information and the scraps they had gathered previously all seemed to point in one direction. Either, Lady Kyraetha and Zabyrayt were one and the same creature or that Kyraetha was working under the influence of the Demoness. It was agreed they would pursue the Lady Kyraetha and all hoped they had not made too many assumptions. The four spent much of the early evening planning their move against the Commander of the Harmonium's night watch. Their plotting was occasionally punctuated by Surya disappearing in to the night, only to return with items they would need to complete the mission.

With their preparations complete they made their way, under heavy disguise, to the barracks of the Harmonium. From a dark alley way just across from the barracks the four observed the building, paying special attention to the Commanders quarters. After about an hours wait Surya noticed through one of the windows a figure that bore a resemblance to the Lady Kyraetha. He tried to improve his view of the figure with his augmented vision and spy glass, but he was too far away to see the creature's true form. He did notice that she was not alone in her chamber. It was at this moment that they decided to put the carefully worked plan in to action.

Lady Kyraetha's Doom

Surya cast an incantation over the weapons they would use, to enhance their effectiveness against what ever they encountered in the barracks. Hildraft cast further spells upon all four of them to protect them all from the dangers they may face. With their final preparations now made Surya activated his teleport magic and they vanished from the alley, only to appear moments later in the private quarters of the Commander of the Harmonium's night watch. The room they now found themselves in was well appointed and quite large. There were two doors leading off from the room. One was closed, but the other was ajar and through which they could see a bed chamber.

Lady Kyraetha, dressed in a suit of bright shining plate armour, was not alone in her rooms. There were two humans in the room which Surya recognised instantly as the two mercenaries from the flop house, Culusa & Zeril. Surya had appeared directly in front of the Lady Kyraetha and could now see her for what she really was, Zabyrayt the Marilith. Surya was the first to act, drawing the sword of the Dead Legion and another longsword. He had learnt his lesson after the last fight with a Marilith and left Tormentor in its scabbard. He struck repeatedly at the Demon, using only the flat of the blades. The attack was of such ferocity that the creature dropped to the floor unconscious. As the Marilith hit the floor, Hildraft completed his prepared spell, commanding all his opponents to fall asleep. Only Zeril appeared to be affected by the incantation and stood motionless apparently fast asleep. Culusa on the other hand was drawing his weapons, but the White Rat was quicker and hit him square in the chest with his mace. The Rat attacked again, but this time Culusa evaded the blow and struck the White Rat in the abdomen with his two short swords.

Vusagyen, though extremely tempted to draw his great sword, kept to the plan and began to tie up Kyraetha. Surya called to Vusagyen and suggested that he remove the pins from her hair, which he did.

Surya now moved to attack Culusa and struck at him with his swords. Surya hit him several times softening him up before he delivered the killing blow. But Culusa moved at the last minute to narrowly avoid death. Unfortunately the outland mercenary had finally met his match and Surya struck again at his opponent and Culusa fell under the Sword of the Dead Legion.

Hildraft noticed that the spell upon Zeril was failing and he and the White Rat moved to engage the mercenary. Hildraft raised the Axe of Glass and struck repeatedly at the Outland warrior, cutting deep in to his chest with his godly weapon. In spite of the damage inflicted upon the warrior, Zeril now struck at the White Rat with his bastard sword, smashing through his shield, crushing his arm. The shock from the devastating blow should have killed the paladin, but the magic of Kord placed upon the Wererat saved his life. Hildraft realising the danger the Rat was in, moved in for the kill. The Axe of Glass again hit home but this time sending Zeril to his maker. Zeril's body hit the floor with a dull thud and the room was now silent except for the heavy breathing of the remaining combatants. Surya raised his finger to his lips, and listened. Expecting to hear the sound of heavily armoured men rushing to their commander's aid, was very relieved when he realised that their fight had gone unnoticed, so far.

Speaking in a whisper, Surya suggested that they gather up the fallen and return to the home of the White Rat to complete their task. Surya's three comrades each picked up a body, while Surya prepared his magic. Firstly he cast a cantrip that magically returned the room to the state they had found it. The King of New Tellare then cast his teleport magic and moments later they all appeared in the front room of the White Rat's house.

Vengeance Satisfied

Surya asked the White Rat if they could perform the binding ritual in his home. The Rat agreed and suggested they carryout the ceremony in one of the rooms at the back of the house. They quickly cleared the room of the White Rat's possessions and prepared the room for the ritual.

Surya carefully inscribed a pentagram upon the stone floor and place the Holy Devastator, Durandana in the centre. He and Vusagyen then dragged the body of Zabyrayt in to the pentagram also. Vusagyen was very pleased to see his nemeses helpless on the floor, but unlike Surya could not see her true form. Surya had convinced him that it was truly the Demon and very soon, with his help she would be finally vanquished.

Surya removed his armour and dressed in lighter clothing, more suitable for working magic. The heavy armour he normally wore occasionally interfered with his spell casting, but this evening he would not take the chance of his magic failing. Though not in armour, he still had his cursed swords by his side.

All was now ready, for one of the most dangerous acts Surya had ever attempted. All four took up their places outside the pentagram. Hildraft and the White Rat stood weapons drawn ready should anything go wrong. Vusagyen waited, scroll in hand, for his queue to read the magic contained with in. Surya, also holding a scroll, nodded to the Hound Archon signalling him to proceed. Vusagyen began to read the dominating magic from the scroll which would aide in the binding of the Demon. Once the Archon had finished, Surya began to read the binding magic contained within his scroll. As he finished reading the scroll the words from the parchment vanished, as did the body of Lady Kyraetha. All that remained in the pentagram was the sword.

Surya picked up the sword and marvelled at it. The appearance of the blade had changed from the weapon he had been given in the Kordasa. It was still a well-shaped long sword with carven silver hilts and a golden pommel. But these details appeared to change and shift while he held it. The hilts, one moment appeared as sweeping angelic wings, the next as demonic talons. The pommel one instant resembled a grinning, empty-eyed skull the next a warming sun.

The most striking change in the weapon was however in the patina of the metal. An effect similar to the 'watering' of Oriental steel marked the blade, but unlike the static colouration of a katana, the markings in the metal of this blade moved, flowed and shifted constantly as dark and light shades swirl and contend.

Surya cast his identifying magic over the weapon, but his incantation only revealed its name, Desecrator. Hildraft also cast spells upon the sword in an attempt to ascertain its nature. The Hand of Kord was shocked to discover that Desecrator registered not only good and evil, but also law and chaos. He turned to Surya and asked if he would like him to destroy it, smiling as he spoke. The last time Dwarf had seen that same look upon his friend's face, he had Zero-One in his hands. Hildraft thought there would be no talking him round this time.

Surya took up the weapon in his right hand and went through a few practise moves with the new weapon. A sense of bewilderment flooded through Surya as he toyed with the sword. Just as light and dark vie in the weapon's appearance, so did its empathic impulses. Surya felt urges towards acts of selfless altruism, black villainy, structured order or wild randomness. These coercions came in a wild, inconsistent blizzard of feelings which Surya found difficult to control. Could this be the weapon Surya was seeking, the one that would bring balance to his soul, only time would tell. For now Surya found a spare scabbard and placed Desecrator in it.

The four now turned their attention to returning the White Rat's home back to normal. The bodies of Culusa & Zeril were searched and stripped of any interesting items and the corpses were disposed of. The room they had used for the ritual was cleaned up and the furniture and trinkets returned to their rightful places. When all was done the four relaxed with a cup of warm Choclatal. Surya thanked them all for their help and they now discussed the problem the White Rat needed help with. They also touched on the possibility of finding the real Lady Kyraetha.