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Restoring the Balance
Hollow Knights
Mount Vork
Prince Cuitech's Homecoming

Hollow Knights

21sth February 1608

Still on a high from the evening's activities and now very eager to try his new weapon, Surya reminded the White Rat that he had asked for their help when the business with of the demon was concluded.

The Rat, sat in front of his fire, and began his tale. "Aeons ago, before humans came to known Alair, an order of knights existed, dedicated to the opposition and eradication of the Undead wherever they were to be found. No record now remains of the name of this order, nor of the nature of the beings that filled its ranks, but it is known that they were of heroic stature and noble courage. Over the millennia, their numbers were thinned by attrition, and for some reason fresh recruits became unavailable. Concerned lest the undead be left unopposed once they were gone, the knights decided on drastic action, committing themselves at last to service beyond death. Willingly relinquishing their lives in the process, they created of their distinctive armour a blend of construct and spirit, and the Hollow Knights were born."

The Rat then went on to explain that in appearance the Knights were simply empty suits of heavy armour, animated and perceptive. Each remembers its name and abilities, but does not truly live, being merely the spirit of the deceased knight. While superficially similar to undeath, the knights are not undead, they do not prey on the living in order to continue to exist, and there is no remnant of the original soul in them. Their animating spark comes rather from the magic of their creation and the mechanisms of their armour. In this form, the knights remained stalwart foes of all the undead, opposing them tirelessly and without mercy. Their new forms were if anything even better suited to their task than their mortal bodies, save that there were still no new knights to replace those slain. Finally, the powers of Darkness felt forced to take a hand. Sometime shortly after the coming of humans to Alair, the Hollow Knights were lured en masse into a trap and imprisoned in a dread tomb within the icy Mount Vork, deep in the frozen lands, north of the Engeror Mountains, guarded by the most terrible demon guardians, named the Feral by fearful rumour. And so things rested for several thousand years.

The White Rat looked up from the fire, gazed directly at Surya and continued "Recently, however, the release of Orcus from his prison and his subsequent return to his throne on Thanatos has skewed the balance of power, emboldening and empowering all the undead across the planes that owe him fealty, however nominal. A force needs to be placed to counter this, and the Agents of the Balance have been instructed to seek heroes to attempt to release the Knights if such can be possible."

With his tale complete the White Rat asked his friends if they would help him to find and release the Hollow Knights, but warned them that the tomb was still guarded by the Demons. He added that many of his order had been sent to Vork, but none had ever returned.

Surya and Hildraft agreed to help but Vusagyen declined. The Hound Archon explained that there were other calls on his time and unfortunately he would have to return home. Surya took this opportunity to thank Vusagyen for his invaluable help and hoped he was please with the outcome, looking down at his new blade. The Hound Archon answered "I could not have hoped for more, it must be hell for her trapped in there".

The next morning Surya, Hildraft and the White Rat prepared for their trip to the frozen north of Alair. The time came when all was ready and they gather together to bid farewell to the Hound Archon. Vusagyen, though alien to him, shook them all by the hand and said his goodbyes and they parted.

With that Surya took out his new portal key and activated the gate that would take them back to Alair. The portal opened and the three stepped through. They appeared moments later in a back street of Karennal. Their arrival almost passed unnoticed, except for a couple walking the street. They recognised the Hand of Kord immediately and bowed deeply, before walking on. The three made their way to the Kordasa which gave off a blue glow that illuminated the night sky above the city.

Once inside the Kordasa the three parted for a short while. Hildraft took the opportunity to pray to Kord and found a quiet chapel away from the main hall. The Hand of Kord asked of his God if questing for the powers of the Balance would conflict with the holy path he had been set upon. Kord answered saying that he expected his servants to fight for good and holy causes and in this respect the paths of the Balance sometime ran parallel to that of the church of Kord the Triumphant. With his prayers completed and now feeling more at one with his god, after the temporary excommunication on Sigil, he turned his mind to more mortal matters.

Hildraft used the powers vested in him to call to his acolyte Duzmakhmol in Kobur. The Hand of Kord asked after the health of the Cardinal. Duzmakhmol explained that though still very ill, the Cardinal still lived. Hildraft was very concerned that the death of the Cardinal would cause political unrest and was very relieved to find him still alive. It was believed that the Cardinal had been poisoned and if he had died, Hildraft would have had to return to his homelands immediately.

Surya found his way to his son's quarters within the Kordasa. He entered his rooms and greeted his son warmly. The Crown Prince was very eager to tell his father of what he had learnt so far and showed Surya his new armour and sword. Surya listened to Cuitech exploits and when he had finished told him the tale of the fall of Zabyrayt, the prince's abductor and jailer for the last eighteen years. Surya then showed the sword to him and smiling said "she will never again harm our family". The boy did not show the same relished at her demise as Surya. This was due to the fact the Marilith had not really harmed Cuitech. Surya then passed the weapon to the prince who took up the sword. The moment the boy held the sword he froze, unable to move or release the blade. It took all of Surya strength to prize it from his son's hand. Surya apologised to his son and said as he returned Desecrator to its scabbard. "Maybe you are not ready for such things"

After a few hours with his son, Surya took his leave and visited Oramar Foxdreamer, the knight that had given him the sword Durandana. On hearing the tale and seeing the blade the paladin suggested that Surya placed it in the Black Museum. Surya thank him for his kind offer, but declined.

Surya then found a quite corner of the basilica and used the new powers of his robe to scry for his wife. Queen Leonora was alone in her chambers reading by the fire. She was overjoyed to see her husband alive. She was so thrilled when she heard that the Marilith had met a very unfortunate end, but when Surya told her that their son was safe and well and she would see him soon, she wept with joy. Once her tears had subsided she told him of all the goings on in the kingdom. Surya heard nothing that needed his immediate attention and told his wife, he and Cuitech would return home soon. Surya broke the spell and went to look for Hildraft and the White Rat.

Mount Vork

The nearest location to Mount Vork that Surya was familiar with was the Valca Gate, south of the Engeror Mountains and it was to here that the three Agents of the Balance teleported. They arrived safely and after consulting with the White Rat as to which way the quest lay, continued their journey north. Hildraft cast his Wind Walk spell upon himself and his comrades who all now turned to a cloudlike vapour and began to move through the air at great speed. They covered the distance to Mount Vork very quickly, going the wrong way a few times, until in the distance, through the snowy blizzard, Hildraft could see what he hoped was Mount Vork. As they approached they noticed a large cave in the side of the mountain and they headed for it. Even if it was not what they were looking for it would be a welcome shelter from the snow and the cold. They landed in the mouth of the cave and after they had dusted the ice and snow from there garments walked in. The cave was quite large and went back hundreds of feet. The three moved in to theThe Feral mountain following the path of the cave until it started to open out in to a huge cavern. The enormous hall had been carved out many thousands of years ago. Age had taken its toll on the structure and ice covered the grey granite of the walls and ceiling. Rubble and rock now littered the floor and stalactites could be seen pushing their way slowly through the rock above. At the far end of the cavern a mighty stone staircase rose out from the floor, up over a hundred feet, to a stone plinth or building. Surya then noticed there were figures moving at the top of the staircase, but at this distance and in the dark he could not make out any details. Hildraft cast his daylight magic and the creatures could now be seen for what they were. Winged Demons, dozens of them, humanoid in shape and covered in thick shaggy hair. The Feral had noticed the presents of their uninvited guests and started to move towards the party. Some chose to run down the stairs, but others took to the air on their leathery bat like wings.

It was unlikely the creatures would parlay, so the three Agents of the Balance prepared for combat. Hildraft cast his protective magic upon them and Surya wove a few spells into his weapons. The White Rat, like the Demons, took to the air and flew towards his quarry. Hildraft then cast one of his more powerful spells, Firestorm, and unleashed the power of Kord in sheets of roaring flame. The Demons were unaffected by the raging fire, in fact some of them seemed too bathe in the holy flames, laughing as they did. But their laughter was short lived. The Hand of Kord cast his magic again and several vertical curtains of whirling blades sprang into existence, between the cleric and his foes. Some of the demons stepped passed the force blades, while other passed through them. The blades did inflict damage to the creatures, but nowhere near enough to kill them.

The White Rat, now airborne, was attacked by several of the Demons, but they were to strong for him. The Feral smashed into him with their large swords, cutting deeply into his flesh. One blow hit him squarely on the head, almost killing him out right. The Paladin began to lose consciousness and fell towards the stone fall. It took all his efforts to shake off the effect of the blow, but he managed to lay his healing hands on the wound before he hit the ground.
Surya unpacked his mighty bow and began to loose arrow after arrow at the demons in the air. He hit several of the beasts killing two stone dead and damaging a few others to the point that they could no longer fly. These creatures landed very heavily on the stone floor and continued toward him on foot. The King of New Tellare noticed that the remaining Demons had grown in stature, in fact the more they killed the larger they became. Surya returned his bow to the quiver and drew his long swords just as one of the Demons landed in front of him. Surya for the first time swung Desecrator at his foe hitting him many times. The new blade cut deep in to the creatures flesh causing its black blood to flow. The sword felt good in his hands and within a few moments the Demon lay dead at Surya's feet. Mixed feelings rushed through Surya's mind, clearly an effect of his new weapon.

The feelings Surya was experiencing would have to wait for now, as there were two more of the Feral closing upon him. The King of New Tellare turned his mind away from the swords effects and concentrated on the task in hand. The two Demons raised their mighty swords but before they could land their blows, they were cut down by Desecrator and the Sword of the Dead Legion. Surya then called upon his necromantic powers and the Demons he had felled rose up and began to fight, this time with an un-deathly glow in their eyes and against the their former brothers in arms. The returned Demons faired very well against the Feral, killing many before they were finally laid to rest. Surya's living companions were not fairing so well. The White Rat was being assaulted by two of the Feral, their blades cutting deeply in to his chest. Hildraft was also taking a beating from two more of the Demons, but their advantage was only fleeting. The Hand of Kord summand up the holy power vested in him and smote his enemies. This time the magic had the effect he was after. Eight of the creatures were affected by the righteous power emanating from Hildraft. They screamed in agony as the power of Kord ripped through their evil bodies. The Demons had been severely hurt by the spell, which left some of them blinded and two even caught fire. But they did not bathe in these flames as they had in the firestorm.

Hildraft, now much happier, saw no reason to stop and prepared to cast the righteous smite again. But the Demons now viewed the priest in a new light and the unaffected creatures started to converge on the Hand of Kord. Two demons rushed at the priest, their mighty weapons poised to cut the cleric in two, but Surya had seen the danger and blocked their path. He quickly despatched the creatures as Hildraft spell smote the demons for a second time. But this time the damage from the spell was two much for some of the Demons and they fell to the floor in agony and died. The Retuned and the White Rat had also taken their toll on the Feral and now only seven remained. Of the remaining Demons all were blind, burnt and clearly in pain. Hildraft cast his spell for a third time and all but one of the feral fell.

During the fight the Feral, as they lost their number, grew in stature and speed. The creature that now remained was over ten foot tall, had the physique of a god and the reflexes to match. It shook of its blindness and started towards the priest. Hildraft prepared to cast his divine magic again, but the creature closed too quickly. In an attempt to buy the Hand of Kord the moments he needed to complete his spell, Surya moved to intercept the creature. Surya closed on the Demon and raised his swords, but the Feral was quick, much quicker than Surya. The Demon brought his great sword crashing down upon the heavily armoured King, hitting him four times. The first two blows cut deep in to his chest, winding him for a moment. The next blow hit the mortal warrior square in the face, breaking his nose and jaw. Blood now poured from the wounds, half stunned he stepped backwards, lowering is guard for just a fraction of a second. But as he did the final blow crashed in to the top of his skull, sending the King of New Tellare crashing, lifelessly to the floor. Surya's body now lay motionless on the stone floor, the blood still gushing from the wounds on his body, with his possession scattered around him.

Fortunately for Surya, he was in the presence of one of the most powerful clerics in Alair. The Holy Aura that Hildraft had cast upon them now played its part, blinding the huge demon when it struck at Surya. This gave Hildraft the opportunity to move out of the creature's way and cast his healing magic over his dying comrade.

Surya now healed of his wounds stood up and quickly surveyed the situation, he was still a bit shaken from his near death experience, but his combat training took over. The creature must have assumed that he was dead and was fumbling blindly towards the Hand of Kord. Surya's swords lay on the stone floor along with much of his equipment which had come lose when he fell. But his quiver still hung from his belt and from which he now drew his mighty bow. He notched an arrow and took careful aim at the creature and let fly. To Surya's amazement the arrow bounced of the Demons armour. Undeterred he took a second shaft from the quiver and fired again. This time, with more success, the arrow stuck in the creatures back. The Demon screamed in pain as the arrow nestled deep in its flesh. This was too much for the Feral, still carrying the combined effects of Hildraft's holy smites, and it relinquished its hold on life, falling to the floor as it did.

Surya picked up his swords and returned them both to their scabbards. The White Rat landed close to Hildraft and after a short rest bite all three ascended the stone staircase towards the building they had seen when they first entered the cavern. The structure was about fifty foot square and thirty foot high with a flat roof. Around the base of the building, they noticed bones, pieces of armour and weapons. These were probably the remains of the unsuccessful Agents of the Balance, which had gone before them.

Hollow KnightThere was only one obvious way in to the structure and that was through a large stone door. Surya could see no visible lock or handle on the door, so he summand up all his strength and pressed his shoulder to the stone slab. It took all his might, but the stone door slowly moved inwards, breaking the four thousand year old seal placed upon it. The three Agents moved inside and discovered that the structure was a mausoleum and only housed one chamber. The hall was magnificent, ornate carvings adorned the walls, the high ceiling was vaulted and set in the floor were twelve stone plinths. On each plinth was an empty suit of fine plate armour. The three stood for a few moments staring in wonder at the site. Surya and Hildraft moved towards one of the plinths and as they did the empty suit of armour sat upright and then climbed down off the plinth. Surya instinctively moved his hand to draw his sword as the creature approached, but he stopped short of drawing his weapon when the Hollow Knight extended his hand in friendship. Surya took the hand and the Knight thanked them for freeing them from their internment.

The Hollow Knight asked if the undead still roamed the world, and when he was told they did he stated "We have much work to do". With that the remaining eleven Knights climbed down off their resting places and moved towards the door. Surya, remembering an early encounter in the Fens of Korvux, told the Knight of a threat to the world of Alair. He recanted their failure to destroy the Lich Tersoal, who tried to destroy all life on Alair using his Army of the Dead. The Knight asked where he could find the Lich and when Surya had given them directions to Stryre, they left.

With his mission complete, Surya and Hildraft spent a few hours searching the cavern and mausoleum for any items of interest. After four thousand years of failed attempts to rescue the Hollow Knights there was bound to be something of interest, Surya thought. In the clutter and rubble surrounding the Tomb of the Hollow Knights, Surya's eyes were drawn to a small fragile book. He picked up the dusty tome, hoping it would contain the spells of some long deceased wizard and opened it up. It was in fact the diary of a wizard called Rillennian. Surya sat down amongst the litter outside the tome and read the book from cover to cover. The chronicle contained within told the tale of the unsuccessful attempt of a small party of adventurers, comprising of the wizard himself, the Ranger Magorian, a barbarian bard from the hills of Trialt called Marko, a priest of Diruc named Stackelberg and an Elven warrior knight called Raisar Silentwater.

After Surya had read the account of the last days of these seven heroes, he now saw then in a different light. They were no longer just a pile of bones, but fallen comrades on a common quest. Surya decided to give their remains a more fitting end and placed them on the plinths within the tome of the Hollow Knights. After a few prayers were said by the Hand of Kord, Surya closed up the tomb and continued his search for any items of interest. He found a few magical items and a good deal of gold. These items were clearly of no consequence to the Feral, but of great interest to him. He cast his identifying magic over the hoard, and other than the items the dwarf took for himself, placed them safely in his bag of Holding.

Prince Cuitech's Homecoming

Hildraft the dwarf and Surya of Tellare emerged from the cavern in the side of Mount Vork into the howling blizzard. Slightly behind them, the White Rat looked at the snow and shuddered. "I think I have had enough of such extreme weather conditions," he commented dryly. "Living in Sigil, one becomes used to a rather bland climate."

The Rat was easily the oddest-looking of the three. Human in basic shape, his face and hands were thickly furred in white, with vestigial claws at the ends of his otherwise slender and adept hands, and his face was drawn into a short muzzle. Short whiskers flanked his nose, and his ears - while not right at the top of his head - were large and mobile. His eyes were a disconcerting, pupil less blood-red. Despite all this he was dressed with great care and style, his fur was (usually) neatly brushed and scrupulously clean, and his manners impeccable. The curse of lycanthropy had not proved an obstacle in his service to the Eternal Balance; by willpower alone he retained the majority of his humanity where it counted … inside.

Their joint quest was at an end. The eons-trapped Hollow Knights were free once more, departed on their monomaniac mission to exterminate the worlds undead, and this was the parting of the ways. The Rat turned to each of the others, and shook their hands warmly. "Look me up next time you're in the Cage," he urged, "be well." His befurred finger tapped an ivory rose brooch pinned to his cloak over his armour, and he was gone.

Hildraft and Surya regarded each other for a moment. They were companions and comrades of old, veterans of myriad conflicts, fellow Wyrmslayers, and good friends. Yet now their paths divided once more.

Surya, King of New Tellare, was a tall human with long brown hair and a bushy moustache of a style long vanished in his native land. Heavy-shouldered and powerful, his bulk was enhanced by the massive black metal armour he wore as if it were a silk doublet. A straight sword rode at each hip, and a strange, oversized quiver was slung over his back. Three faintly-glowing crystals the size of a thumb orbited him slowly, weaving their separate paths around his head and shoulders without once touching. Although no injury was apparent, a great splash of dried blood was spread across his armour in exactly the way it would have been from a mortal head wound.

His companion Hildraft Varbgas Bogadun, The Hand of Kord, was a dwarf, still young for one of that long-lived race, with black hair and a black beard. Like his companion, he was protected by armour of interlocking and inter-moving plates, but where Surya's was of metal, Hildraft's was of pale blue, faintly glowing glass. In his right hand was a enormous two-handed axe made of the same improbable material. Around his waist was a heavy leather belt woven with indecipherable emblems, and a Prayer-Axe of the god Kord hung around his neck.

With a quick gesture, the dwarf wove magic, and the pair swiftly faded into mist before stepping into the air to begin the long aerie walk back to Karennal.

Two hours later, with a faint clink of metal and stone, the pair set foot once more on the walls of Karennal. Ten minutes' walk brought them to the gates of the Kordasa, the vast pile of holiness that formed the core of Kord's kingdom on Earth. Here, they parted company for a while, as Hildraft headed inside to make his devotions and strengthen himself for the trials to come, and Surya set his path to the guest suite where his time-lost son waited.

rown Prince Cuitech of New TellareCrown Prince Cuitech of New Tellare had had a difficult day. His theology tutor had reprimanded him sharply when he had confused Kord's commandments with the tenets drummed into him by Zabrayt over his childhood. Then he had suffered several heavy and embarrassing defeats sparring with Elbrect, son of Duke Kelran - fortunately with padded swords. Finally he had completely muffed a tilt at the quintain, been dumped off his mount, and broken his arm, requiring a healing from the patient but strict paladin Dewar who taught his class.

Worn out, he sat on the bed in his small but comfortable guest suite, a mug of hot tea in his hands, trying to summon up the energy to shrug out of the heavy mail, which felt rather as if it had been driven under his skin in several places. Sipping reflectively, his dark eyes glowered over the mug's rim as he brooded, and for a moment - had anyone been there to see - his gaze bore a striking resemblance to his sire's ever-shadowed one.

The door opened with a merry bang and another youth around Cuitech's age strode jauntily into the room. Dark-haired and sinewy, he lacked the prince's powerful shoulders, but showed a poise and balance that would make him a formidable warrior in time. Grey eyes sparkled with mirth, though his face was tired, streaked with blood from a minor cut on his temple and sported a spectacular bruise on his chin.

"Hail, mighty warrior!" spoke this apparition, grinning widely. "A most puissant charge 'gainst the forces of the Earth this day, my hero. A shame Sir Grass and Earl Pebble, her defenders, whelmed you in combat mortal!" He struck a pose of melodramatic woe, and Cuitech laughed despite himself. "Elbrect, you're a loon," he declared. "and defeat has marked you too." Elbrect chuckled and rubbed his jaw reflectively. "A mere Duke's son has to live with his marks, instead of getting the Holy Hands treatment. Surprised it didn't cause your cloven hooves to roast off!"

Cuitech laughed with Elbrect this time. Only a few people knew the full story of his rather peculiar upbringing, but the young Kordasan nobleman was one of them. In only a couple of weeks, they had forged a strong friendship, backed by the sort of fierce rivalry common to those engaged in intense training. "I seem still equipped with human - and most pungent - feet," he commented, rising at last and kicking his muddy boots off. "Make yourself useful, you apprentice altar-boy, and help me off with this bloody mail." There followed a series of grunts and struggles, ending with the offending mailshirt heaped on the floor in a steely puddle. Elbrect made to kick it under the bed, but Cuitech lugged it up with a groan and dumped it over a wooden stand in the corner before attacking it with a burnishing brush. "Neglect your harness tonight and it may yield to your deathblow in the morning", he quoted sourly. "You see, I do listen. I just seem to have a lot to learn, or re-learn, or un-learn, or something. Somehow, I don't think valour at arms is my forte. My Royal Father believes the best solution to anything you can't defeat by hitting it is to hit it very hard, or to shoot it, but it just doesn't seem to work for me."

Elbrect crossed to a side table and poured a goblet of wine, then extended the flagon towards Cuitech and sloshed it inquiringly. The prince shook his head and pointed to his tea before resuming his polishing.

"Don't tell me you've discovered a vocation to the priesthood," Elbrect said sceptically. "The way you swore this afternoon when you hit the ground, you'd be in penance until your tonsure didn't need shaving any more!" Cuitech snorted. "I don't think so," he replied. "Jasselan's a good man, don't mistake me, and I respect him - and Kord. And don't tell me Lord Hildraft doesn't swear! But prayer isn't my answer either." He shrugged. "I probably don't have much choice in the long run. I'll have to be King one day, and I'll need to learn enough of this stuff to ride in processions without falling off and to knight men without maiming them - and the rest will be administration." He chucked the brush onto a shelf with relief, scooped up his tea and took a deep swallow. "Gods, this is depressing stuff," he said, making an effort. "Out upon it! My highborn and low-browed friend, tonight hie we to the grubby end of Karennal, some good coarse fun to find." Their cups clinked in honour of this strategy, and the friends' mood lifted.

Elbrect frowned. "What's that?" he said, tipping his head. Cuitech listened, and his ears caught the sound of footsteps; very heavy footsteps, long and slow, approaching the door of the suite. Both turned inquiringly as the door opened once more.

Surya was tense as he walked down the hallway. It wasn't the quaint religious paintings and sculptures every so often (even the one depicting Sack as a heroic paladin, which was just funny). He was still getting used to the idea of having a son at all, much less one who talked and thought for himself. He was acutely conscious of the loss of the bonding and shared experience raising an heir should involve, and coupled with his simple sorrow for that loss was his uncertainty as to the character of the young man who would one day be king of his realm. On top of all that, he had the unenviable task ahead of him of breaking the news to Queen Leonora that her infant son was now a strapping teenager, and raised to that age by a demon - a female demon - to boot! It was not going to be easy…

Opening the door, he stepped in, and stopped, surprised; two young men were gazing back at him. Cuitech blinked. Then he grinned. "Back again, and almost as beat-up as I am," he commented, and stepped forward to grip his father's hand. Surya smiled, and clapped his son's shoulder. "I can see you're enjoying yourself here," he said, "but the time has come to face your greatest challenge. Your mother…." Cuitech laughed, clearly unworried by this prospect. You wait, thought Surya silently.

The tall warrior suddenly spun and pierced Elbrect with his gaze. "And you are….?" he demanded. It's true, thought the youth as he fought to control his hammering pulse-rate, his eyes really are always in shadow! He swallowed and spoke. "Elbrect, your majesty. Baron of Cordan, third son of Duke Kelran of Boldarc Vale." He made a passable bow, then straightened and met the eyes of the Last Tellaran, nearly at a level. Surya looked at him for a moment. "Fine," he said, "well, say your goodbyes - the prince and I are off home, and I doubt he'll be back any time soon. Once your training is complete, though, come to Reital if you will." He left the multiple implications of that hanging, and returned to his son. "Collect what you want to take," he instructed, "and meet me in the courtyard in ten minutes." Nodding to Elbrect, he left the room.

Stepping into the courtyard a few minutes later with a bag over one shoulder, Cuitech discovered his father deep in conversation with High Priest Jasselan. Dropping his bag to the pave, the youth bowed deeply to the chief priest of the Kordasa, not failing to notice the tiny constriction of Surya's brow as his father noted the depth of his obeisance. As he straightened, Jasselan moved a hand in slight negation. "You are no longer an aspirant of the Kordasa, young man, but a prince of an allied nation," he commented. "Such submission is no longer appropriate, though your respect is appreciated. You have done well in your short time with us. We would be glad to have you among us again one day." Cuitech appeared rather unsettled by this praise, and bowed his head slightly again in acknowledgement.

Surya took the priest's hand, and thanked him for caring for his son, before leading the way up from the courtyard to the battlemented wall that guarded it. He assumed a slightly dramatic pose, and with the air of someone producing a surprise, he waved an arm and pronounced, "Behold, our noble steed!"

There was a pause. "Was something supposed to happen?" asked Cuitech diffidently. Surya looked disgruntled for a moment. "Yes, rather," he said, "it looks as if Saethor isn't keen to come within the boundaries of the Kordasa. We'll have to walk to the outer city I'm afraid." Cuitech shrugged and shouldered his bag. "It's a nice day," he said, and the two tall men set forth through the gates of the Kordasa.

Three hours later, the mighty hell-stallion Saethor broke through the clouds and shimmered out of the Border Ethereal. Spread out below was a magnificent city, centred around a mighty lake. In the centre of that lake was an island, and jutting up from that island was a concentric castle. Even with his inexperienced eye, young Cuitech could see it was a work of considerable skill.

"Skaven Castle," commented Surya, "seat of Thelvian Tyrkor. He's Kin, one of Varkar's children, and one of the saner ones. He sees the future, which makes him a bad enemy and a good friend, and he will tolerate no Gods, which makes him Jasselan's foe. His people raise some of the best horses -" they were jolted roughly, "sorry, best normal horses in Alair, and know cavalry warfare like few others." Cuitech nodded. "How well can he see things to come?" he asked. Surya grinned mirthlessly. "He says he sees lots of futures, some more likely than others, and sometimes it's hard to tell which is the most likely. Also - apparently - some powerful individuals are what he calls fateless; we make our own realities, and he can't predict us at all. Typical seer mumbo-jumbo, but he can see a great deal and it's not to be discounted."

Below them now was an expanse of rolling grassland, dotted with occasional stands of trees but otherwise unexceptional other than for a heavily weathered chunk of stone, thickly carved with inscriptions, standing in a carefully cleared and mown area. "Thallan." said Surya flatly. "scene of the battle between the human armies of all of the Northlands, and the Elvenhost. The only victory in any major battle between humans and the elves. Your great-grandfather fought at that battle." The subtle harmonics in the King's voice hinted at the deep wells of pride and emotion beneath, and his son gazed down on this emblem of his heritage in awed silence.

A new city, this guarded by a river to the south and a wall to the north, newly-repaired in places, and with a stolid, square castle bulking at the western end. Surrounded by farmlands, this settlement somehow had a more dynamic feel to it than the last; one could feel the life and energy radiating from it.

"Reital," said Surya, "Capital of both Tellare and now New Tellare. Our kingdom lies below you; welcome home, son." Cuitech laid a hand on his father's shoulder for a moment. Nothing more needed to be said.

Rather to the young prince's surprise, they didn't descend. Instead, at a signal from the King, the horse of Hell ascended, rising through the clear air until a truly awesome panorama of northern Alair unrolled around the two men. Cuitech gasped; it felt as if the whole world lay at his feet.

Surya gestured southwards. On the edge of sight was a dim greyness, somehow dismal and listless, but with a faint hint of a brilliant greenness on its far side. "South you see the Desolation, created by the Dragon Varkar Barduric when he exterminated the elves - or thought he did. The green you see is the evidence that he didn't; that's Belamir, the homeland of the returned Elves. Never trust them entirely. Their perspective is that of an almost infinite lifespan and they see things differently because of that. Or put another way - they can't resist trying to take over!"

They turned to the west. "Our kingdom extends to the sea," explained Surya. "To the north are the deep, mysterious swamps of the Trakar. Not an appealing place and not one people come back from. At the western end of the Desolation is Belegond Freeport. That's a centre of trade and welcomes anyone who comes to do peaceful business."

The nightmare wheeled in the sky, and Surya's black-plated arm pointed steadily north. Marching across the horizon was the dim, misty bulk of a mighty mountain range. "North of us, to the mountains, is Tarlanor," he said. "Once the heartland of Varkar Barduric's Dragonfolk, now ruled by the most intelligent of his sons, Skuffruss Lord of Dragons."

"The Dark Lord," Cuitech said automatically.

"That's what the Kordasans call him. The truth - as ever - is more complicated. His passion is information, knowledge. He is driven by a desire to know answers, the reasons, how things work, why things happen, where things are. Part of that knowledge is magical, and Skuffy is easily the most powerful practioner of the Art Magic in Alair today. On top of that, he controls his father's city of Vorsand, the majority of the surviving Dragonarmies, the loyalty of an unknown number of the surviving Kin, and a very large slice of Varkar's monetary treasure." He chuckled maliciously. "We got the pick of the magical loot before he got there." he commented. "He also has his father's Sceptre which gives him dominion over dragons … yes, there are still dragons in the world," he added, seeing his son's expression. "Not to mention the Dark Tower and the unknown number of wizards there. A powerful ally and a foe to be dreaded. Mark my words; one day, there will be war between him and the Kordasa."

"That is the world. This is our home," he pointed down, "Let's go home." He directed Saethor to a landing point a couple of miles outside the city walls.

Surya and Cuitech blinked into existence atop one of the teleport circles in Reital castle. The guards, used by now to their King's coming and goings, barely blinked before bowing low. "Majesty," said one, "shall I inform the Queen of your return?" Surya swallowed; both Cuitech and the younger of the guards looked at him in mild surprise. He looked almost … afraid? Was that possible? The older guard remained impassive as Surya replied, "No, thanks. I think I'll tell her myself." before leading his companion away into the castle. The older guard restrained a smile. He himself was married; he knew that look. For whatever reason, the Queen was not going to be happy….

It was a nice afternoon, and so Surya's steps took him up towards the ladies Solar. A large, airy and above all sun-warmed chamber at the top of one of Reital Castle's four towers, it had once held the stone coffin of Vane the Mace, the Kin who had ruled here under Varkar, and afterwards as a vampire. Surya had never told his wife this fact, and this contributed to the peaceful atmosphere of the new-made room. The Mageguild had roofed it over with Glassteel, allowing the sun to be enjoyed and the rain avoided, and a dozen or so well-born ladies were gathered around the Queen today, working on a tapestry commemorating the birth of the infant prince.

Leonora herself was a beautiful woman of noble bearing, with a small, delicate patrician face framed by a great mane of pale blonde hair, worn loose in defiance of popular fashion. Long, slender hands moved swiftly and dextrously as she worked, and her voice rang with music and authority.

Up to now, Cuitech had maintained his composure admirably, but now an uneasy look came over his face, and his hands began to shake. Surya didn't look much better, and so, when Queen Leonora looked up, she knew at once that there was something wrong. With a word, she dismissed her ladies, and did not look at her husband again until they were gone. Then she looked at him, her eyes bright and her hands gripping each other tight. "You did not find him, then," she began, and Surya realized that she had been expecting him to return carrying a baby. He straightened his shoulders. This was it…. Taking her hands, he began to speak.

Midway through, Leonora glanced wildly at Cuitech where he stood, rather awkwardly watching. Belatedly, she registered his strong resemblance to his father, coupled with her own blonde hair. Then she jerked her gaze back to her husband. As the tale wound to its conclusion, she stood and walked a few steps away. Then she whirled, and came back to face Cuitech.

"You…. are my son?" she asked hesitantly. "I am." he replied simply, and she flinched at the first sound of his voice, similar to yet lighter than his father's. She laughed a little, nervously. "It seems I must get to know you anew," she said ruefully, "I doubt I can rock you to sleep any more. I have to say…" she continued, and the tears began at last," you have grown into a fine young man…." The young prince stepped forward and enveloped his mother in his arms.

A couple of hours later, Cuitech sat in a room. It was, ironically, not enormously different from the room he had been in when his father arrived; small, comfortable and basic. The chairs were better, though, and he settled back with a sigh, setting a goblet down - another improvement; apprentices at the Kordasa did not get wine either.

This, then, was home. Tomorrow his father was to take him out - a'horseback, this time, rather more conventionally - to see more of the kingdom. He'd said they'd spend several days, and see the farmlands, the Cyrn - the mighty border castles built by Vane to defend against the Desolation, maybe even ride as far as Belegond. He was looking forward to it. He felt comfortable with the big brawler who was his father, despite the ominous elements of the nightmare, the shadowed gaze, the whispers about his use of magic, the damned swords. He was already coming to love this rugged, robust, indomitable land, never fully beaten or conquered by any foe, whose primary export throughout history had been trouble, and its' strong-willed, brave people.

His own path was still unclear, however. Oh, he'd learn his trade, all right; from both mother and father he'd acquire the tools he needed to rule this land well when his time came. But beyond that… His father was a warrior-king, but that wasn't going to be his path, he knew that now. His talents lay elsewhere, somewhere.

He shook his head. A problem for another day.